The 3-month resume circulation subscription allows you to submit your resume for distribution up to 3 separate times. Please email by the third Friday of the month each time you would like to submit a resume.
Our Resume Circulation Service gets your name in front of top Japanese and American executives in the Washington, D.C. area.
Email your resume in PDF format to JASWDC by the third Friday of the month. Payment must be received at the same time.* Email all resumes to
*If payment is not received by the third Friday of the month, your resume will be included in next month’s circulation.
Please note: The Japan-America Society of Washington DC is not a job placement service. Members who use this service therefore should not contact the Society to ask about their status with individual companies. The companies will contact job applicants independently and directly, if they are interested.
For more information, please contact the Society at 202-833-2210.